COVID-19 Update – June 8th 2020

June 2020

The Hospice Logo

June 8, 2020

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

At Hospice, we are committed to caring for our community. We continue to monitor developments regarding the Novel Coronavirus outbreak, including staying up to date on the latest guidelines and information from Health Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Health and our local Public Health Unit. We remain vigilant in protecting our staff, volunteers, patients, and visitors.

Hospice Residential Homes

At this time, every Hospice resident continues to receive compassionate and expert care in our Residential Homes. Our essential staff, including our full care team, are at work supporting our residents. We have implemented cleaning enhancements throughout the facility and our kitchen remains open for residents.

We unfortunately continue to have visitor restrictions in our Residential Homes, which is not something we take lightly. At this time, we ask that only two designated visitors per patient be present in the room or building at any time. We are working to offer scheduled patio visits, as much as possible, to allow some additional visitors to safely spend time with their loved ones. As family members and loved ones, we understand that visiting time is valuable and important, and we appreciate your understanding.

Hospice Palliative Medicine Program

On the clear recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Chief Medical Officer of Health for all of us to practice social distancing, we have had to adapt our services. While we have suspended all group activities and in-home volunteer visiting, we have deployed all available staff to increase telephone and video conferencing, and continue to complete in-home clinical visits where appropriate. Reaching out in this way has allowed us to help people access the support they need.

Hospice Wellness Programs

As of March 16th 2020, all Hospice Wellness Programs, either held on-site at Hospice or lead by a Hospice staff member or volunteer, were suspended. At this time, our team continues to evaluate the informational and operational requirements being put forward by the ministry. We look forward to the day an update on these programs becomes available, but at this time, they remain suspended. 

*Any questions or comments regarding the information above, or about any Hospice updates regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) please contact Katharen Bortolin, Director, Community Engagement and Advancement (CEA) by phone at 519-974-7100 Ext. 2220 or by email at