Accessibility & Privacy
Client/Patient/Family Bill of Rights
The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc. believes that it is important for clients, patients and family members to know, understand and be able to exercise their rights and responsibilities as they relate to the services and programs provided by Hospice.
As individuals and families you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect and courtesy, regardless of your age, colour, creed or cultural background.
- Privacy considerations regarding your personal needs.
- Have information regarding your concerns provided in a language you can understand and in terms you can understand.
- Be a partner in the development of plans concerning your care.
- Know that we will keep information about you confidential, unless you have signed the applicable consent form to share information with others – internally and externally – participating in the provision of service according to your care plan.
- Know the identity and profession of those responsible for your care.
- Express any concerns, written or verbal, without fear of services being compromised.
- Expect reasonable accommodations for persons with special needs or handicaps in accordance with the law.
- Give or refuse consent to the provision of a community service.
Click here for the LHIN Home Care Bill of Rights (English and French Versions)
Client/Patient/Family Responsibilities
As an agency, The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc. expects that clients/patients/family members have a responsibility to:
- Provide accurate information regarding your care.
- Be considerate to all those providing, or participating in your care or service plan.
- Be responsible for all personal property and valuables.
- Participate in the care planning objectives.
- If I have a concern or complaint about the services rendered by The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc, its employees or volunteers, I know I can contact the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc. verbally or in writing to the attention of: the Executive Director.
Accessibility Services
- Statement of Commitment – At The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County, we are committed to meeting our obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County operates in compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. To this end, policies with clear accountabilities have been implemented that affirm and protect the right to care and treatment which is accessible, inclusive, secure, and respectful to all.
- Policies – We are committed to providing excellent customer service to all patients, inclusive of individuals with disabilities.
- Assistive Devices – We will ensure that our employees are familiar with various assistive devices housed on site that may be used by individuals with disabilities.
- Communication – We will communicate with individuals with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
- Service Animals – We welcome individuals with disabilities and their service animals are allowed in all areas of the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County that are open to the public.
- Support Persons – We welcome support persons accompanying individuals with a disability.
- Notice of Service Disruption – We will notify stakeholders if there is a disruption at The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County services usually used by individuals with disabilities. We will explain the reasons for the disruption, how long it will last, and if alternative facilities or services are available. We may not be able to give advance notice if it is an emergency disruption.
- Training – We are committed to training all employees, volunteers, students and others who deal with the public or other third parties on our behalf on: accessible customer service, requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, and aspects of the Human Rights Code that relate to accessibility.
- Procurement – We will incorporate accessibility criteria and features when procuring, or acquiring goods, services or facilities. If it is not practicable to do so, we will provide an explanation, upon request.
- Information and Communications – We will communicate with individuals with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports. We will also meet internationally-recognized WCAG 2.0, Level AA website requirements in accordance with timelines set out in the Integrated Accessibility Standards RegClick here to download The Hospice Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
- Employment – We will notify employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring. We will notify staff that supports are available for those with disabilities. We will implement a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees. Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency. Our performance management, career development and redeployment processes will take into account the accessibility needs of all employees.
- Changes to Policies – We will modify or remove a policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of individuals with disabilities.
- Feedback – We welcome feedback, including feedback about our services to individuals with disabilities. Individuals who wish to provide feedback can either send their submission by e-mail, phone or mail.
- Accessibility Compliance Reports are available upon request and a physical copy is posted on site.
You can send your feedback in any of these ways:
Mail: Human Resources
The Hospice of Windsor & Essex County Inc.
6038 Empress St., Windsor, ON N8T 1B5
Phone: 519.974.7100
Déclaration de l’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex sur l’accessibilité
- Déclaration d’engagement – À l’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex, nous nous engageons à respecter nos obligations aux termes de la Loi de 2005 sur l’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l’Ontario. L’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex mène aussi ses activités conformément au Code des droits de la personne de l’Ontario. À cette fin, il a mis en place des politiques qui définissent clairement ses obligations et qui reconnaissent et protègent le droit de chacun à un traitement et à des soins accessibles, inclusifs, sécuritaires et respectueux.
- Politiques – Nous nous faisons un devoir de fournir d’excellents services à la clientèle à tous les patients, y compris aux personnes handicapées.
- Appareils fonctionnels – Nous nous assurerons que nos employés sont au courant des divers appareils fonctionnels qui sont sur place, à la disposition des personnes handicapées.
- Communication – Pour communiquer avec les personnes handicapées, nous utiliserons des moyens qui tiennent compte de leur handicap.
- Animaux d’assistance – Les personnes handicapées sont les bienvenues et leurs animaux d’assistance sont permis dans tous les espaces de l’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex qui sont ouverts au public.
- Personnes de soutien – Les personnes de soutien qui accompagnent les personnes handicapées sont les bienvenues.
- Avis en cas de perturbation des services – Nous donnerons un avis en cas de perturbation des services habituellement utilisés par les personnes handicapées à l’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex. Nous expliquerons la raison de la perturbation, nous préciserons la durée prévue et nous indiquerons s’il y a des installations ou des services de rechange. Dans le cas d’une perturbation imprévue, il nous sera peut-être impossible de fournir un préavis.
- Formation – Nous nous faisons un devoir d’offrir à tous les employés, bénévoles, étudiants et autres personnes qui interagissent avec le grand public ou avec des tiers en notre nom une formation sur : l’accessibilité des services à la clientèle; les exigences du Règlement sur les normes d’accessibilité intégrées; les aspects du Code des droits de la personne de l’Ontario qui ont trait à l’accessibilité.
- Approvisionnement – Au moment d’obtenir ou d’acquérir des biens, des services et des installations, nous tiendrons compte de critères et de mesures d’adaptation. Si ce n’est pas pratique de le faire, nous fournirons une explication, sur demande.
- Information et communications – Pour communiquer avec les personnes handicapées, nous utiliserons des moyens qui tiennent compte de leur handicap. Sur demande, nous fournirons des renseignements sur notre organisme et les services que nous offrons, y compris des renseignements sur la sécurité publique, dans des formats accessibles ou au moyen d’aides à la communication. Nous respecterons aussi les Règles pour l’accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0 (niveau AA), lesquelles sont reconnues à l’échelle internationale, conformément au Règlement sur les normes d’accessibilité intégrées.
- Emploi – Nous informerons les employés, les nouveaux employés potentiels et les membres du grand public que nous pouvons prendre des mesures d’adaptation pendant le processus de recrutement et d’embauche. Nous informerons le personnel de la disponibilité de mesures d’adaptation pour aider les personnes handicapées. Nous mettrons en place un processus d’élaboration de plans d’adaptation individualisés pour les employés. Au besoin, nous fournirons aussi des renseignements d’intervention d’urgence individualisés pour aider les personnes handicapées pendant une situation d’urgence. Nos processus de gestion du rendement, de perfectionnement professionnel et de réaffectation tiendront compte des besoins en matière d’accessibilité de tous les employés.
- Changements apportés aux politiques – Nous modifierons ou éliminerons toute politique qui ne respecte pas ou qui ne favorise pas la dignité et l’autonomie des personnes handicapées.
- Commentaires – Nous vous invitons à nous faire des commentaires sur les services que nous offrons aux personnes handicapées. Les commentaires peuvent être transmis par courriel, par téléphone ou par la poste.
- Vous pouvez nous communiquer vos commentaires par un des moyens suivants : Par téléphone : 519 974-7100
Par la poste: Mary Anne Henderson
L’Hospice de Windsor et du comté d’Essex inc.
6038, rue Empress, Windsor (Ontario) N8T 1B5
Par courriel:
Privacy Policy
At the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County, protecting the privacy of our patient’s personal health information is an essential component of our commitment to treating our patients with dignity, compassion and social responsibility.
We collect personal health information about you directly from you or from another person acting on your behalf, and we take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for the Hospice protects your privacy. Your personal information is used only for the purposes with which you have consented.
We have security measures in place to ensure that your personal information is protected from theft, loss, and unauthorized access. We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance.
If you would like to learn more about how we ensure the protection of your personal health information, or if you would like to change/update this information please contact:
Stephanie Stones
Technology Administrator / Privacy Officer
Lisa Paolatto
Director, Psychosocial and Support Services; Privacy Officer / Risk Management