Hospice Volunteers

Events & Programs

Event Series Therapeutic Touch® Workshop

Therapeutic Touch® Workshop

The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County 6038 Empress Street #600 Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

This workshop is designed to introduce the participant to the history, theory, concepts, and the practice of Therapeutic Touch, as developed by Dolores Krieger...

November Education Session

End-of-Life Care for Children and Support for their Caregivers This presentation is designed to help caregivers develop confidence in providing end-of-life care for children...


January Education Session

Windsor Campus 6038 Empress Street, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Alzheimer's Disease: Understanding the Connection Between the Brain and Behaviour It is estimated that over 600,000 people in Canada live with dementia of which Alzheimer’s...


February Education Session

Moral Distress: Why Am I Feeling This Way? We have all faced impactful moments in healthcare that linger in our memories, leaving us drained,...


Public Education Session

Windsor Campus 6038 Empress Street, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Navigating A Life Changing Diagnosis 7 Keys for More Choice and Control Dr. Seow and Dr. Winemaker will be hosting a presentation, Navigating A...

April Education Session

Exploring Intellectual and Developmental Disability Palliative Care:  Enabling Good Practice This presentation will provide an overview of intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) and the...


Inter-Faith Symposium

Windsor Campus 6038 Empress Street, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Presented by the Inter-Faith Group of Windsor and Essex County Topic: Spirituality at the End of Life - An Inter-Faith Perspective Date: Sunday, October...

January Education Session

Windsor Campus 6038 Empress Street, Windsor, Ontario, Canada +1 more

Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach in Palliative Care This presentation will review what trauma can look like in a palliative care setting as well as...


February Education Session

Navigating the Grey Liminal Spaces:  Embedding Ethics into the Palliative Care Approach Ethics is something we all carry with us, but not everyone realizes...