An 8-week psychoeducation group; utilizing a holistic approach, each session contains a specific theme to provide various strategies to support with healthy living.
May 25th – A tune up for mind, body and spirit
June 8th – The healing process of self reflection
June 22nd – You are not meant to be nervous all of the time, brain matter
July 6th – Food and You
July 20th – Rest and Recovery
August 10th – Where’s the Support?
August 24th – Communication Styles
September 7th – Joyful Movement
Criteria: Adults 18 years or older that meet Hospice eligibility criteria. An individual diagnosed with a life-threating diagnosis and/or their caregivers. An adult family member/caregiver who have lost a loved one while receiving Hospice services (both within the community or at the Hospice Residence). Individuals can join anytime.
Date(s): Wednesdays, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Bi-weekly
Location: Onsite at the Welcome Centre – Hospice Erie Shores Campus
Registration: Participants need to register prior to attending any session. Please call 519-974-7100 to register.